
Friday, October 21, 2011

What face wrinkle is? How face wrinkle produce ? How prevent face wrinkle? TIPS for reduce face wrinkle.

What face wrinkle is?
Wrinkles are mainly age, due to the pressure, and dry skin. You should always keep the area around the mouth eyes and nose and neck, and cared for and moisturized.

How face wrinkle produce ?

A foreigner who wants to know the age of another person may be asked to identify, or look at the face of the person to be, and is less obtrusive and almost as accurate. People are able to determine the age of face with surprising accuracy, a few years ago, when the convicts aged between 20 and 60 years, a capability that arises early in life, even if children can distinguish between children and adults ..

How prevent face wrinkle:

1.Avoid Sun, this is the number one cause of wrinkles, with dozens of studies showing the effects. In a study that looked at identical twins, which is located in New York plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, MD, Sun was the most important legacy. Brothers, winter time had fewer wrinkles and limited looked younger overall than their sun cult of twins.

2.We sunscreen. If you have to go in the sun, says the American Academy of Dermatology, sunscreen! It will protect against cancer of the skin and helps prevent wrinkles at the same time.

Third Do not smoke. Some of the research is still controversial, but more and more studies confirm that cigarette smoke ages skin - mostly by releasing an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin, important components of the skin. Study brother at the Twin Research Unit at St. Thomas Hospital in London have been made, the brother or sister, the skin tends to be more wrinkled and up to 40% have smoked was thinner than non-smokers.

4 Get enough sleep. Yale dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD, says that if you do not get enough sleep, the body of excess cortisol, a hormone producing cells of the skin is broken. Get enough rest, Perricone says, and you'll produce more HGH (human growth hormone), which helps skin remain thick, more wrinkles "elastic" and less.

5 Sleep on your back. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) cautions that sleeping in certain positions the door every night to sleep "-. wrinkle lines that are etched on the surface of the skin and do not disappear once you do you sleep on the side increases wrinkles on cheeks and chin, while sleeping face down gives you a furrowed brow. To reduce wrinkles, the AAD says, sleep on your back.

6 Do not blink - get reading glasses! The AAD says any repetitive facial movement - like squinting - load facial muscles to form a groove below the skin surface. This groove eventually becomes a wrinkle. Equally important to wear sunglasses. It will protect skin around the eyes from sun damage - and more keep you from squinting.

7 Eat more fish - particularly salmon. Not only is salmon (along with other cold-water fish), a great source of protein - one of the main constituents of the skin - is also a wonderful source of essential fatty acids like omega-3. Perricone tells WebMD that essential fatty acids help nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, helping to reduce wrinkles.

8 Eat more soy - So far, most evidence comes from animal studies, but research has shown some properties of soy may help protect or heal some of the damage photoaging Sun In a recent human study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers have reported that supplementing a soy-based products (other ingredients included fish protein and extracts of white tea, grape seed oil and tomatoes, as well in several vitamins) improved skin texture and firmness after just six months of use.

9 Coffee of the cocoa trade. It was a study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2006, the researchers found cocoa (epicatchin and catechin) with a high content of dietary flavanols two protect the skin from sun damage, improved circulation of the development of skin cells, the ' hydration, and made the skin look smoother and feel.

10 Eating more fruits and vegetables. The key, says Kraus, are their antioxidant compounds. These compounds fight damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules that can damage cells), which in turn helps skin look younger and more radiant, and protects against some effects of photoaging caused.

11 Use moisturizer. "Women, in particular, are so anti-aging products, which often overlook the power of a simple moisturizer concerned. Skin is moist simply looks better, so lines and wrinkles are less visible," says Ashinoff.

12 Do not over wash your face. According to dermatologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center, tap water strips skin of its natural oils and moisture barrier function to protect against wrinkles. Wash them often and wash away protection. Moreover, unless the soap contains moisturizers, you must use a detergent.

Topical treatments to reduce wrinkles

Studies show the following ingredients can reduce wrinkles. Most are of a variety of prescription treatments for skin care, and is found over-the-counter.

13 Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA). These natural fruit acids lift away the top layer of dead skin cells and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes. New findings show that high concentrations of AHAs may help stimulate collagen production.

14 Retinoids (including Retin A). The only FDA-approved topical treatment for wrinkles is tretinoin, which is available commercially as Retin A. Ashinoff says this prescription cream reduces fine lines and wrinkles and sun big repair known. Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A in many over-the-counter products found. Studies show that in a stabilized formula, in high concentrations can be just as effective as Retin A, without side effects such as skin burning and sensitivity.

15 Topical Vitamin C. Studies at Tulane University, among others have pointed out, can increase collagen production, protect against damage from UVA and UVB rays, correct pigmentation disorders and improve inflammatory skin diseases. The key, however, the type of vitamin C are used. To date, most research points to L-ascorbic acid form as the strongest anti wrinkle relief.

16 Idebenone. This chemical cousin to the nutrient coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a super-potent antioxidant. In a study recently published in the Journal of Dermatology, found the doctors found that only 6 weeks of topical application, there was a 26% reduction in skin roughness and dryness, with an increase of 37% of fluid intake , 29% reduction in lines and wrinkles, and 33% overall improvement in sun-damaged skin. Other studies have similar results.

17 Growth Factors. A part of the body's own healing response of these compounds when applied topically can reduce sun damage and reduces fine lines and wrinkles, while rejuvenating collagen production have been studies.

Pentapeptide 18. The results of a study by the National Institutes of Health suggested pentapeptides can increase collagen production in sun-damaged skin. Several studies (including one recently presented at a national conference of Dermatology) showed that stimulated by topical application, pentapeptides in the production of collagen and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Doctor / Spa treatments to reduce wrinkles

19 Botox. An injection of this purified version of botulinum toxin A relaxes the muscles just below the fold so that the skin on top to lie smooth and wrinkle free.

20 Anti-wrinkle fillers. Doctors fill wrinkles with a variety of substances, including collagen, hyaluronic acid and other synthetic compounds. Popular treatments include Restylane, Juvederm, and ArteFill, among others.

21 laser / light resurfacing. Here, the energy from a source of light - removes the top layer of skin, causing a light leather, but imperceptible -. "Hurt" is a laser diode or a light pulse occurs in this system of production of collagen in the skin at full speed, resulting in smooth, unwrinkled skin.

22 chemical peeling. For this treatment to "burn" from a variety of different chemicals removes the top layer of skin, causing damage to the body response causes more collagen. They end up with a young looking, smoother skin.

23 Dermabrasion. A vacuum cleaner in tandem with a mild chemical used crystal, dermabrasion helps to bring the top layer of skin cells and remove the new skin texture on the surface evenly. In the process, fine lines and wrinkles seem to disappear.

TIPS for reduce face wrinkle:

Tips Cure facial wrinkle treatment of facial wrinkles without surgery

Drinking water is the most effective natural remedies for treatment of wrinkles. Drink lots of water hydrates the body and improves circulation. Do not drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day to remove an ugly row. It is also advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy color in his face.

As an exercise, you can fold the handle on a regular basis through the exercise. Cardio exercises like running, swimming, aerobics and walking can be very useful because they help the body maintain blood flow. You need to do is facial exercises to heal the chin. There are many simple exercises you can do at home.

Botox facial wrinkle, as Botox is gaining popularity worldwide for its instant gratification. This is a reduction in non-surgical wrinkle treatment by injection.

Red wine: treatment of facial wrinkles, is also a moderate consumption of red wine. Reversterol anti-aging ingredient called magic is found in red wine.

Face Cream: Treat laugh wrinkles along the lines of the face and at the same time, the age spots. This type of wrinkle cream reduces fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin due to aging and other factors such as pollution and stress. Although containing active ingredients such as antioxidants, which protect the skin and dirt penetrate into the skin through the pores. Collagen is responsible for ensuring that the skin youthful appearance, is also an important element for firm skin and reduce wrinkles important to work with. Wrinkle creams work not only as a means of reducing or eliminating facial wrinkles. Most creams are also used to show wrinkles by preventing dead skin cells for younger skin aging.

Anti-wrinkle cream for the face to use as a rule in the early morning hours, and after a bath at night before bed, and the best results are usually designed for use with other products such as moisturizers and astringents day also supported by the manufacturer designed. Like most facial products, skin creams for anti-wrinkle effect and tested came with instructions.

Tip 1:

Take a tablespoon of cold milk and add 3-4 drops of lime juice. Most of these paste these lines before going to bed. In the morning, wash with warm water and a rough towel firmly. I RUB cream - in the opposite direction wrinkles. Wait half an hour wash, avoid using soap.

Tip 2:

RUB ripe papaya pulp on your face and leave for half an hour before washing.

This is a very good toner also.

Tip 3:

Most almond oil lines, since the movements. Leave overnight and rinse with warm water next morning.

Tip 4:

Cut open a Vitamin E capsule, add ½ teaspoon of glycerin and apply. After a 15 to 20 minutes.

Tip 5:

Add ½ teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon of rice. Smoothing the lines of the paste. Leave for ½ hour and rinse.

Tip 6:

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of cream and milk. A good start. Rinse after 20 minutes.

Note: Do not wrinkle treatment each day for a period of 30-40 days, a remarkable result.

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