
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Natural Sweet Potato Health Benefits

Did you know that, when eaten with the skin, sweet potatoes have more fiber than oatmeal? You also know that sweet potatoes and vegetables nutrition category should be number one? And you know that if you eat only whole milk and potatoes all day, you can get all the nutrients needed for the body, there is a magic potato.

I think most people, and that the consumption of high fat is accumulated in the potato. However, in practice, it really depends on the cooking method. While they contain sodium, still, less than 10 g potato medium is 80% fat-free bear almost 100 calories per 150 g potato facts, of the total weight of the water is suitable potassium.

Natural Sweet Potato Health Facts:

1. As vitamin C can promote gastrointestinal function, spleen, right, protein, vitamin B, stomach, such as potato starch, there are many.

2. To smooth defecation: potato foods rich fiber to avoid constipation, prevention of intestinal diseases, metabolic toxins can help release the body.

3. Potato proteins mucus which helps to maintain the flexibility of the development of blood vessels, the digestive system, preventing the accumulation of fat joint cavity and respiratory tract, blood vessels lubricating serous cavities of the heart and blood glucose reduction of beauty and rich, I would help prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Potato vegetable alkali to help you develop a healthy skin and skin because the pH balance in the body becomes less acidic.

4. Potatoes, potatoes long will track elements, vitamins and calcium, potassium, rich in nutrients, is easily digested, absorbed, rich in North America, especially in the second main source of food in the United States and Europe: the rich nutrients. This helps rehabilitate patients suffering edema, hypertension and nephritis, including potassium can replace sodium in the body, potatoes can be isolated sodium.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Oranges Recipes

Deep Fried Pork Ribs With Orange Sauce

.5 Kg of Pork Ribs
2 pieces of Orange, for juice
2 tablespoons of Orange Wine
1 teaspoon of Salt/NaCl
1 tablespoon of each Soya Sauce, Cooking Wine and Flour

Health Benefits Of Oranges and Nutrition

Orange fruit is famous and popular for many people. It is "delicious raw food or for use in the kitchen, even tastier and refreshing juices.

Orange is full of advantages, orange peel skin, or the ideal air freshener or deodorant, after drying, a sweat to tea or soap for cleaning grease and fats can be used to pomoc.Jádro is to prevent digestion and constipation. When the meat is ideal for juicing, eating raw, which is used to prepare jam and sauces for cooking.

Oranges Nutrition Facts

The first oranges rich with vitamin C and citric acid, resulting in a large value of beauty and cosmetic whitening effect, eliminate fatigue and rich.

Secondly The orange pith fiber and pectin, which helps in preventing constipation and LHL lower cholesterol.

Thirdly research hesperidins orange capillary resistance, low blood pressure, ischemic heart disease and improvements in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

4, anti-tumor, anti-oxidation and fresh fruit juice, in fact, the dominant factor, inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the tumor-causing chemicals to break.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Green Tea Health Benefits,Health Benefits of Green Tea & Green Tea Recipes

Green Tea Health Benefits:-

Green tea is unfermented tea, which is different from the red and black tea. Therefore maintains its original color green and green tea has been consumed in Asia for thousands of years, more popular in Japan, Korea, China and India.

Green Tea Health Benefits:-

First:- Green tea has the highest content of flavonoids compared to other types of fruits and food. It promotes the antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic functions in our body.

Second:- It also rich in vitamin C and K, which are very anti-platelet aggregation, accelerate the digestion of dietary fiber in lowering blood pressure and lipids, is ideal for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Third:- Green tea also contains vitamins A and E. It is a great source for beautiful skin as a skin lightening effect, reduce wrinkles, skin suffocation, and the complexion radiant skin. It also contributes to the anti-oxidation, to eliminate radiation to strengthen the immune system and cancer prevention.

4th:- Drinking green tea also helps the tired mind refreshing, invigorating spirit, and less quickly. So it's a really good desk drink!

Green Tea Recipes:-

Pudding of Green Tea:-

2 Serving


10 grams of Green Tea powder

16 grams of Jelly powder /  Jello Gelatin

70 grams of Rock Sugar

450 ml of Full Cream / Skinny Milk

300 ml of Water 

First Mix jelly powder in 100 ml of cold water, steam, and stir until thickened.

Second Mix sugar in the boiling hot spring water until they dissolve completely, then add the green tea powder and mix well.

Third the gel jelly third in the mixture of green tea and stir until well blended. Cool.

4th Once the mixture cool, add milk and mix well. To keep the dough and shaped to serve the container in the freezer for at least 4 hours before.

Pink Floral Green Tea drink:-

1 Serving:


6 pieces of Dried Rosebud

1 piece of Green Tea bag

1 teaspoon of Manuka Honey

1st Place dried rose buds and green tea bags in a glass jar.

2nd Pour in boiling water in the cup and the lid for 10 minutes.

3rd Add the honey and mix well before serving to give.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Okra Health Benefits hair loss treatment with lady finger

Okra Health Benefits: -

Okra is also known as Lady fingers in some English speaking countries known. There are two main types of green and red pigmentation. It tastes crisp, juicy, aromatic, soft and unique, and the love of many people.

Originally from Africa, in the 20th Century, has brought to India, China and Southeast Asian countries in recent years has been very popular in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and many Western countries. Okra oil is vegetable oil area classified as high nutrients and fragrant is much larger than sesame and peanut oil.

Okra is easy to get older and become yellow when exposed to high temperatures for a while. It is preferable to store in the refrigerator okra about 10.7 degrees Celsius and can usually last 10 days.

Health & Beauty Benefits of Okra: -

The first sticky substance containing mucus or pectin, polysaccharides can, protein, calcium oxalate okra digestion, treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer and increase resistance to rejuvenate the liver, the body more.

Second contains also rich in iron, calcium and sugar, which helps prevent anemia, increase appetite and improve digestion.

Third Rich in vitamin A helps protect the health of the retina, preventing cataracts and maintain good vision.

Fourth is also rich in vitamin C and soluble fiber, can improve cardiovascular disease prevention and immune system, detoxification, skin, and reduce cholesterol.

Fifth Okra has a unique role in promoting human health, as the goo may stimulate the male central nervous system and serve as an organic agent in the maintenance of the male organ health. It also prevents fatigue and re-body strength.

Okra Recipe

Okra With Chili Garlic Dressing: -

Serving 2


10 pieces of fresh okra
1 fresh red chilli, seeded and cut into bite-sized
5 garlic cloves, peeled and cut into bite-sized
A little sauce of salt, sugar and soy

First Wash okra, cut off their heads.
Second Place the okra in boiling water for 20-30 seconds, then remove from boiling water and soak in cold water for 10 seconds and then dry. Section of media and stacked in a clear bowl for later use.
Third Heat a frying pan put a little cooking oil in Chile, chopped chopped garlic, salt and sugar, then stir fry until fragrant.
4th Pour the fragrant spices in the top of the okra, then give a little soy sauce and serve.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Juice For Body Cleansing /Great Juicing Recipes , Fresh Juice Every Day.

Days Great Juicing Recipes for Cultivating Healthy Life . . .

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 Super Detox:

“an apple a day keeps doctor away”. This is really true.  Mixing apple, lemon and Chinese cabbage together in juicing will help in easing constipation and accelerate body detoxing process. 
Serves 1 

Apple 1 piece , whole unpeeled, preferable green apple

Chinese Cabbage 100 grams, remove the stem and maintain the leaves

Lemon ½ piece, cut into half, seeded, with skin on 

For better taste, you can add in raw honey and some dash of fine sea salt into the drink . . . 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Benefits Of "Cucumber" for Health

The cucumber is the vegetable most frequently in our daily meals.But none of us really care or know the health benefits of cucumbers, we all know, this is very refreshing and delicious. Cucumber in nature is sweet and juicy. Take each day of the cucumber helps in many ways, smoothing digestive system compared to the thirst, the avoidance of constipation and also offers beauty effects also.

Contains lots of vitamins and amino acids, acidic fruits helps in whitening of the skin, soothe sunburn and freckles, prevent and reduce tone, skin allergies.

Health benefits of cucumber

First Vitamin C in the cucumber is actually five times that found in watermelon. So the effect of beautifying the skin is more common in the cucumber, which is the reason why many women use to use as a natural cucumber mask on the face and eyes. It also helps prevent formation of melanin, cucumber, so this reduces the possibility of the formation of dark spots or freckles on the skin.

Second The best anti-inflammatory food! In addition to curing thirst relieved throat, fever, diarrhea and a reduction of the effects of combustion in the body.

Third The rich, the cucurbitacin C helps to strengthen our body's immune system, and mentions some of the conclusions that aid in the fight against cancer and good ease in chronic hepatitis.

4th The cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which is good for anti-aging effect. In addition to the cucumber enzyme helps in the metabolism of the body, skin whitening and hydration, it is also possible in the fight against wrinkles as well.

5th Cucumber contains arginine, alanine and glutamine may be beneficial for patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis and liver diseases.

6th The glycoside and fructose in the cucumber sauce is a great hypoglycemia in diabetes.

7th Cucumber is acid-alcohol, can inhibit the formation of carbohydrate from fat in our body. Cucumber pulp aid in detoxification and the reduction of bad cholesterol in our bodies.

Cucumber Recipes:

Stir Fry Cucumber With Shrimp:

serve 4


2 units of medium-size cucumber

100g fresh prawns, shelless

10 grams of ginger cut into slices

10 grams of chopped garlic



First Wash the cucumber, remove the skin, halve and remove the seeds, then cut into small pieces.

Second Rub a little salt on the cucumber season.

Third Apply a little cooking wine in shrimp and use to enjoy later.

4th Heat a sauté pan or wok with a little cooking oil, add sliced ​​ginger and garlic till fragrant.

5th Add the fried shrimp and cucumber with a medium heat, sprinkle a little salt and flour, then stir well for another 3-5 minutes. Then serve hot.

Cucumber Juice:

serving two


3 pieces of fresh cucumber

1-2 teaspoons of honey




First Wash the cucumber and cut into slices.

Second Located in the blender and make juice.

Third Add the honey and give a good stir before serving.

By Faiza Iqbal
Look For Ever Young

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Hair fall solutions Massaging With mustard oil" / "mustard oil for hair"

"Hair fall solutions Massaging With mustard oil" / "mustard oil for hair"

Everyone wants to be beautiful and look good. For man and very nice beautiful girls we used to do many things and used to be investing much money for them. We use to invest in our dress, makethings, different types of smoke and get varieties of shampoos and conditioners. Here and now I have to say that our hair is one of themost important element is to look nice and very good. But what ifyou do not have hair on your head or a very small amount of hair on your head?Of course we used to worry about getting it. If, as you are looking for tips to get the hair on your head. They will try to use different types of chemicals to the hair. But they do not stop givingthe opportunity to your hair? If your head is full of his own natural hair, as you do not need different types of chemicals that hurt youand use you lose your money. So, here I will tell you how to prevent your hair loss, and if you follow more than 80% sure it's success.
First, these shampoos should by all chemicals used, chemicalssuch as hair gel, hair gel, etc. Now, collect the following things to cure hair loss:
Mustard oil pure
Ayurvedic green soap (soap, because they see red chemistry, andmany white soap has grown to include some kind of harmfulchemical dyes, but green, soap made ​​from natural elements like leaves, etc.) has
These two things mentioned above are sufficient to control hair losssolutions.
Steps to follow:

Here you have to heat the pure mustard oil into the fire and do a massage with oil in the hair for 10 minutes before your bath hair.
During that time, used to drop all of your unwanted hair and not worry about it because you will receive your new hair on the head.
Now take a bath with green soap Ayurveda (you can get any soapAyurveda) have.
After taking bath not dry your hair with a little drier, but you need yourhair to heat of the sun from where vitamin D for the hair, which isvery important to dry your hair.
Do not use some kind of hair gel or hair cream, because those things are harmful chemicals that damage hair done.
Instead of using any other hair oil with pure mustard oil for hair,make hair strong and deep black.
Never use hot water and cold hair, always use cold water (not coldand not so hot) as a mixture of hot and cold water make your hairfall.
If you do things for over a month, which is itself the result, the hairturns dark black, shiny and strong.
All the best! Comment me if you like this post ........